Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Our Life, God's Way

I set myself a goal of updating at least once a week and it looks like I already broke that.  I’ve had time to update but I guess I didn’t want to. In the week or two since I last wrote I made the decision to leave my job.  Now, if you’re reading this then you probably know how I feel about children, and particularly orphans and poverty.  With that being said, giving up my job was a very difficult decision.  I wanted to be able to do my job, but my level of stress became a clear indicator that it wasn’t for me.  At first I was afraid that I had somehow failed myself or God, but after some deep prayer conversations with Him I realized that I wasn’t a failure and He already had everything figured out so I had better move on with my life. 
I’ve been unemployed for almost two weeks now and I don’t like it.  I’m the kind of person who likes to have a plan and stick with it.  Now everything is up in the air and it makes life uncomfortable.  I’m sure you’ve felt this way too.  As humans, we think no job = no money, no money = no bills paid, no bills paid = I lose my car, etc. etc.   Worry is a natural tendency.   A little bit of worry in these situations is ok I guess, but I find that when I give my worry to God and replace it with faith things start looking a lot more like Honolulu and a lot less like Mexico City.  With God in control we can realize that God must have something else in mind for us. 
Perhaps it’s a better job or a job where we will have more chances to witness to those around us.  Remember, we are called to be witnesses both near and far and more often than not our workplace is our mission field.  Like Jesus told the apostles in Acts, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts1:8).  Two things stick out to me in this verse, first, the three cities mentioned.  One is so near to the apostles that it could be considered home, and then the verse ends with to the ends of the earth.  We have A TON of space to cover.  So if you’re the only Christian in your workplace and you’re miserable, stop pouting and start witnessing!  Secondly, I notice how the phrase, ‘you will’ is used two in the verse.  ‘You will’ receive power and ‘you will’ be MY witness.  Jesus is very clear about what is expected of us and thankfully lets us know that we will have the Holy Spirit with us at all times. 
Now, realizing that God has a plan, already knows our needs, is with us at all times, and loves us with a greater love than we could ever possibly fathom, things don’t look so bad do they?
As always, if any of you need a little extra prayer or someone to talk to this week email/text/call me and I’ll pray for you!  As for me, pray that God’s will, will be done in my life.  I’ve filled out tons of applications and an interview today for a job that would be totally awesome.  But if it’s not where God wants me then I pray I have the wisdom not to take the job and continue seeking His will.
I think a great way to end the night would be by reading John 16:17-33.  Make sure you pay special attention to the last verse!

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