Monday, August 22, 2011

Showers of Blessings

With classes starting this week, I've been just a tad bit busy, and in my business I've neglected writing anything for this blog.  So I'm going to share an older story with you.  I have a collection of stories that I wrote about spending the summer in the Philippines last year and hope to share them periodically.  So, here's the first one. 

Showers of Blessings
Once again it was a Saturday and we were free to do what we pleased with our day.  Saturdays always began with a few hours at the internet café where for a few hours took us back home to the United States, where we listened to stories of the lives we once lived and tried to explain what was happening in our new lives.  On this particular day we walked to the post office to mail some letter, the supermarket to pick up a few things, and Folcan, our favorite little café.  The café was probably the most American place in San Pablo.  We loved sipping our frappes and relaxing in the air con.  This day was especially hot and humid and as usual I was missing the mild Ohio summers.  Luckily the heat didn’t last.

We watched the clouds roll in as we dodged our way in and out of allies and back to the orphanage.  The storm came quickly and the first drops fell as we ran inside.  The Heavens split wide open and poured out the rain.  We all ran out on the balcony to watch the rain, which was the hardest rain I have ever seen.  The kids were all playing in the rain and before long, my team and I were out there too! 

 The water was only a couple of inches deep on the basketball court, but in the street it was up to the kids waist.  Soon the little boys were digging plastic bags out of the garage can to fill with water and launch at their ates, who were watching from the safety of the balcony. 

At one point, one little girl laid down in the water and waved her arms back and forth like she was making a snow angel.  We played basketball and had a dance party.  It was just a good time. 

In a way, playing in the rain that day reminded me of how God has showered us with his blessings.  He has showered us with strength, knowledge, and His Word.  Each time we encountered someone in the Philippines we had to spread the truth that God gave to us because he has blessed us with so much.  That day the streets were flooded with water, but I pray that someday the city will be flooded with believers. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Oh Lord How I Love You

Oh Lord how I love you
And how I need you by my side
Each dawning day on Earth
In you do I confide
My heartbeat is in your hand
And my strength is your breath
You carry me through the desert
You crush my Goliath
I lift my hands to praise you
My always faithful King
When I consider your greatness
How can I cease to sing?
Ever unfailing and unstoppable
Your love encompasses me
I’ll never know it’s depth
‘Til in Heaven I join thee
Oh how I love my Lord
The creator of my soul
With thanksgiving I praise you
You have made me whole

Monday, August 8, 2011

Red and Yellow, Black and White, They are precious in His sight

Last Monday I officially started my new job.  It’s at a preschool and so I now spend a large portion of my day with 2 and 3 year olds.  What an adventure!  I arrive at noon, right as the kids are finish lunch and begin to lay down for naps.  Now I don’t know if you’ve ever tried to get 13 3 year olds to fall asleep at the same time but it’s quite an experience!  There are treasured few who lie down and close their eyes without protest, but with most of the kids, it’s a battle.  They want to be tucked in, read to, a back rub, a 20th drink of water, or when all else fails, they cry for mommy.  And I have to confess that, though I don’t believe it’s ok to lie, when they ask for their mommies that I tell them that their mommies are also sleeping because it’s nap time for everyone.  Most of the kids are asleep within 30 minutes, but there are always one or two who need an hour and a half to fall asleep.  It’s crazy! 
If we’re lucky we might get a few peaceful minutes.  Once everyone gets to sleep the kids who fell asleep first start waking up.  The rest of the day flies by.  Bathroom breaks, snacks, outside playtime, inside playtime, inside activity.  Then before I know it parents are arriving and it’s time to start cleaning up.  I will definitely add parents of small children to my prayer list!
I love my job now, but I have to admit that I had some misconceptions when I began.  I feel really strongly about working with children in need and so I wasn’t sure about this job at a preschool for the privileged.  I wondered how God would use me there.  But, of course, God had something he wanted to teach me.  I already knew this, but I guess I forgot it.  Kids are kids.  They are the same whether they are privileged, not privileged, farm lads, city slickers, American or Filipino.  Kids are the same no matter where they come from.  They all just want to play and be loved.  It’s when they grow up they more differences can be seen.  When we become adults we have a way of tricking ourselves into believing that different is scary or inferior.   Yet, we aren’t so different.  Many of the people in my dorm building are of a different ethnicity than I am.  But they are all amazing girls and some of them have become very close friends. 
So anyway, my point in telling you all this is that God will use you wherever you are.  All people need Jesus.  Tomorrow I get to take care of a bunch of little children who need Jesus.  I’m sure that some of them are from Christian families, but some of them aren’t.  They are going to grow up and they probably won’t remember me, but I still have to do what I can to lead them to Jesus.  So when in the quiet, when I’m patting a child’s back trying to help them fall asleep, I’m also praying.  I pray for the kids, their families and my coworkers.  Today my challenge for you is to look around you and try to find your mission field.  Who can you be praying for in your quiet moments?  And remember that no one is so different from you that you can’t reach them.  Give them a chance and you may make a friend.  If you start to feel like you need some encouragement, go find some kids to play with. 
This is one of my favorite little kiddos!  One of my nephews!